Feel free to enjoy Uganda travel! Notice of special events


hello. I'm Sasaki of RICCI EVERYDAY.

Now that it is getting cooler, I want to go somewhere to look for autumn, but I haven't been out easily. Only the pin stops of Google Maps are increasing.

Are you sure you have a schedule for the autumn holiday season?

By the way, this is an introduction to online travel events and campaigns that even busy people can easily participate!

There is also a nice announcement, so I hope you can read it to the end.

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1. I understand Uganda's now! Online event

2. Uganda's craft gift campaign

1. I understand Uganda's now! Online event

Events collaborated by the university how to walk the earth and the Uganda Government Tourism Bureau on Wednesday, October 27

"I didn't know? Local lives in local gourmet!★There is a local broadcast★」

As a guide, our representative Nakamoto Chizu will be on stage.



In this event, we will use online (ZOOM) to focus on Uganda people and local life, and realistically tell us Uganda's "now".

Participation feefreeSo please feel free to join us.

* Preliminary application is required for participation.


The details of the event are as follows.


Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 20: 00-21: 00

* Time may be slightly different.

Venue: Online (ZOOM)

* ZOOM access to those who apply

We will send you a link.

Participation fee: Free


Event details and application should be from the link below.



Why don't you feel free to learn about Uganda online before going to the site? 


2. Uganda's craft gift campaign

The Uganda Government Tourism Bureau and our company will jointly hold the "Empower Uganda Craft" campaign!

This campaign isFrom Friday, October 29, we will present Uganda crafts to customers who have purchased products at online stores or Daikanyama directly managed storesThat is to do.


Uganda's sightseeing industry has been hit greatly due to the expansion of corona virus infection, and the crafts market is in a difficult situation. In this campaign, we will support Uganda people who make a living in the production and sales of crafts, and at the same time, we will have the Japanese people interested in Uganda sightseeing.


We offer such cute crafts!


* The photo is an example.


for example,

・ Animal stuffed animal

・ Paper beads accessories

・ Soap stone


·hair band

And so on.


In addition, we will select a gift. Please note that you cannot choose yourself.



How was it?

Why don't you enjoy a handmade craft while knowing Uganda's present through events and campaigns?

Look at the product