Staff introduction vol.12
Hello, this is the day of RICCI EVERYDAY. From this June, I have been involved in business. Thank you.
This time, we will deliver the 12th staff introduction.
The trigger of knowing -RICCI EVERYDAY-
The introduction from an acquaintance triggered. It's cute when I first saw the homepage! ! I remember that I was excited.
-Modified to decide to work-
RICCI EVERYDAY is a place where you can choose "like" rather than "preferred" and find your own personality while being excited. I also want to find myself while being excited! That's why I thought. I was very happy when the customer said, "I want to have something exciting!"
again,She hopes that she can contribute a little to a world where women can realize the world they want to be. When you think it's painful or painful, I want you to have a RICCI EVERYDAY bag to remember the excitement and personality, and feel positive.
-The business content that will be involved in the future-
He is involved in a wide range of stores, including store management, online, production management, and overseas strategies. I try to provide a better experience in any work. I would like to do my best so that I can deliver the opportunity to meet my own bag, such as the appearance of the pattern and the color of the lining in a more happy way!
-As anxious items-
The Akero series has too many things that I want in size and pattern, so I'm worried every time at the store ...I was thinking of buying pink or green lining, a mini -kero big eye passion pink and blue ... I've been fascinated by Plumeria Purple recently ... Which one would you choose? (smile)
Mini Akello -Big Eye Passion Pink & Blue- (top)
Akello Yoko -Purmelia Purple- (bottom)
-In items recently purchased-
I purchased eco -circle white the other day. It is easy to use because the red holohoro fits various clothes♪Because it enters a lot, it is useful when you carry a PC or shop. Because it is reversible, it can be shown in white land, but now I use the pattern on the table.

-My boom-
I have been addicted to Korean dramas for about three years. Recently, I am very happy to have more home time, boom, and more friends watching Korean dramas. Introducing recommended dramas with highlights to friends. (smile)
I wanted to study Korean, so I bought a text, but now I'm sleeping on the bookshelf ... I want to find time and start little by little. I also love traveling abroad, so I would like to go to Korea first when the corona is over.
-Message to customers-
Until the end Thank you for reading! In the future, I would like to work with members so that you can deliver exciting experiences. Thank you for your continued support.
Look forward to the next staff introduction!